Testing, testing, testing – Probatix gives citizens back their freedom in over 1,000 test locations in Germany

Probatix was developed as a pilot for a comprehensive corona vaccination and test center management and enables a largely digital process from online appointment booking, check-in and evaluation to the electronic transmission of test results without system breaks. As a software-as-a-service solution, the system can be integrated into the existing IT infrastructure within a few hours. The intuitive user guidance does not require any training and guides patients, test staff and doctors safely through the entire process.

The goal: to reduce as many of the contact points as possible in order to minimize the risk of infection on site. The reduction of manual data entry to an absolute minimum also increases security and reliability in the test process.

Three minutes per smear: More than 1 million tests were carried out in May

Well over 1 million tests were carried out with Probatix in Germany as a whole. The SaaS solution is used in many DRK district associations throughout Germany. In April, for example, over 100,000 citizens were tested free of charge in the more than 30 test centers of the DRK district association Marburg-Gießen e.V. With the Corona test management solution Probatix, test subjects can specifically book an appointment in advance and thus largely avoid waiting times in front of the test center. Not only does appointment booking run digitally, but also check-in, evaluation and the electronic transmission of test results can be carried out in just a few minutes. Other DRK test centers in Frankfurt, Bremerhaven and Bretten process several 10,000 tests per month and are enthusiastic about the smooth and paperless processes.

Luca and Corona app integration for easy and secure checking of test results

After successful testing, the SaaS solution enables the generation of a day pass that is sent by email and QR code. But the Covid test results have also been transmitted to the Corona Warn App since May. The European Covid Certificate (DCC) has recently been issued via Probatix. In addition, there is also an integration with the Luca app, in which the negative test results can be easily saved so that they can be displayed when visiting restaurants or other places where this is required by law.


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