The Leap

Here our team writes about everything we love and are curious about, like digital products, MVPs or applications of Artificial Intelligence.

How to build a platform as a business model in the health sector

The e-health law and the transition to the telematics infrastructure (TI) are promoting a disruption in the health sector on the German market. This is an opportunity for both established companies and start-ups to develop new digital business models for the health sector. A platform provides the opportunity for an impactful, scalable and successful business model.

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The future is called “Packaged Business Capabilities”

Post-Covid, companies not only have to rethink many of their processes and products, but should above all work on flexible structures in order to be able to react agilely to changes and innovations in the future. In software development, this is exactly where the principle of “composable business” comes into play and the principle of “package business capability”, which represents the future of business innovations.

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