Lollipop pooling as solution for fall in German schools

The end of the summer vacations is approaching in some German states. Currently, the infection figures in Germany are rising with high dynamics. In order to be better prepared this time and to better enable the regular operation of daycare centers and schools, there is another reliable testing strategy: the Lolli-Pool-PCR test. The Robert Koch Institute also sees this test method as a suitable solution for detecting and limiting infections at an early stage. This is because this test method is more reliable than rapid antigen tests…

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How to build a platform as a business model in the health sector

The e-health law and the transition to the telematics infrastructure (TI) are promoting a disruption in the health sector on the German market. This is an opportunity for both established companies and start-ups to develop new digital business models for the health sector. A platform provides the opportunity for an impactful, scalable and successful business model.

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